
Generating Code

You've come this far 🫡 and we must congratulate you. You've successfully created a form with Desk. Now, let's move on to the next step and generate the code for your form.

A word from the creators

We've heard your complaints about the following:

  • Lack of documentation
  • Lack of support for other frameworks
  • No support for HTML devs

We understand your frustration and we're sorry for the inconvenience. We're here to help you and we're committed to making Desk the best form builder for your next application. Whilst looking into other frameworks support in the near future, we're exicted to add that Desk for HTML developers is available but still in beta. We'll be releasing it soon.

Soon you'll be able to paste your generated code into your HTML file and start using your form. And here's the exciting part... It supports Tailwind CSS, and Shadcn UI out of the box 😎. So you can show off that awesome form to your friends with just a few clicks.

Working with the code for React Devs

Grab your coffee and let's get started.

  1. Click the Generate Code button on your form.
  2. Copy the code.
  3. Initialize the @shadcn/ui package. You can do this by following the official docs (opens in a new tab).


If you use Next.js you can follow the official docs (opens in a new tab)

React (Manual)

If you run your application with create-react-app or vite, you can follow the official docs (opens in a new tab)


Ensure you have shadcn/ui and tailwindcss installed in your project.

Required Components

Now that you have the code on your clipboard, and you have shadcn/ui installed, along with tailwindcss, next step is to add our required components to your application.

By default we don't install any components for you, but you can do it yourself. Below is a list of required components.


  • String
    • Input: If you have a string field you should use the Input component. Let's get started. See the Input (opens in a new tab) section for more information.


  npx shadcn@latest add input


import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
  • Number
    • Input: If you have a number field you should use the Input component but with the type prop set to number. Let's get started.


  npx shadcn@latest add input


import { Input } from "@/components/ui/input";
<Input type="number" />;
  • Boolean
    • Switch: If you have a boolean field you should use the Switch component. Let's get started. See the Switch (opens in a new tab) section for more information.


  npx shadcn@latest add switch


import { Switch } from "@/components/ui/switch";
  • Date
    • DatePicker: If you have a date field you should use the DatePicker component. Let's get started.


The date picker is a bit more complicated than the other components. You need to install the date-fns package. I advise you follow the official docs (opens in a new tab)

  • Enum
    • Combobox: If you have an enum field you should use the Combobox component. Let's get started. See the Combobox (opens in a new tab) section for more information.


Just like the date-picker, the combobox is a bit more complicated than the other components. I advise you follow the official docs (opens in a new tab)